June 2021
On this month’s Alphabet Show – the relaunch! – the letter is O. We’ve got book recommendations from author Alex Maskill, Letters about Letters, Alphabet Roulette, incredible tunes, and so much more. Plus, find out the spooky connections between June and the letter O…
I won’t spoil the O surprises apart from to say there were some I suspected, plus a few wild cards.
Yours alphabetically
Cheers Tim!
Stay alphabetised.
I wonder, are you the evil overlord behind mega-corp mega-tax avoider, Google, by any chance?
Dear Oswald O’Grady,
Thank you for your interest in The Alphabet Show.
We could not possibly comment specifically upon the rumours you allude to.
Although it can be said that the reach, power and influence of ‘the alphabet’ knows no bounds…
Stay groovy.
Gone the full Tony Hart, good stuff! 👍
Haha, cheers Tones! An honour to be compared to the great man…